Les fruits |
The Fruits |
Voici les fruits, la pomme |
Here come the fruits, the apple |
La poire, la banane |
The pear, the banana |
L’orange, le citron, la mandarine |
The orange, the lemon, the mandarin |
Le pamplemousse |
The grapefruit |
Le citron vert, la clémentine |
The lime, the clementine |
L’abricot, la pêche, la nectarine |
The apricot, the peach, the nectarine |
La mangue, l’ananas |
The mango, the pineapple |
La pastèque, le melon |
The watermelon, le melon |
L’olive, l’avocat |
The olive, the avocado |
Le fruit de la passion |
The passion fruit |
La myrtille, la framboise |
The blueberry, the raspberry |
La fraise, la canneberge |
The strawberry, the cranberry |
La mûre, la groseille, le cassis |
The blackberry, the gooseberry, the blackcurrant |
Le raisin, le raisin sec |
The grapes, the raisin |
La grappe de raisin |
The bunch of grapes |
La prune, le pruneau, la cerise |
The plum, the prune, the cherry |
La noix, la noisette, l’amande |
The walnut, the hazelnut, the almond |
La noix de macadamia |
The macadamia nut |
La noix de cajou, le pignon |
The cashew, the pine nut |
La noix de pecan, la pistache |
The pecan, la pistachio |
La noix de coco |
The coconut |
La châtaigne, le marron |
The chestnut, the chestnut |
La papaye, la goyave |
The papaya, the guava |
La grenade, le litchi |
The pomegranate, the litchi |
La figue, la datte, le kiwi |
The fig, the date, le kiwi |
Le kaki, le coing |
The persimmon, the quince |
Voilà, nous avons fini |
Ok, we are done |
Avec les baies, les fruits secs |
With berries, dry fruits/nuts |
Et les fruits |
And fruits |